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PAGE TEN FORT WORTH STAReTELEGRAM Saturday Morning September 21 1957 Against West Texas MAC DIVOT sid Lansky and Keefer 1 O'Malley Shuns Increased tier 1w rNE WEZE SWING AN117 WHILE APMIT IT'S NO LZMPLIMENT TO ME HE ELL SOUNP As -HE LOOVEP LIVE A LITTLE F5OV ALL CUPPLEP UP f3Y THE root I PIPN'T HAVE THE HEART TO WAKE HIM Raiders Open Season WE MIESSP YOU AT THE PARTY LAST NIGHT LIZ WHEZ WERE YOU'? I PIC7N1T4 WE JUST SPENT A gilET EVENNG TOGETHER AT HONG Cif' '0 n' is vartillitQl 41klb rsi 0) 401N "Ith 1 i r---11 )f 'I' 1 N4 'c 11114 1 rl a 2 NEW YORK Sept 20 Nelson Rockefeller Friday upped his offer to $3000000 to buy land for a new stadium for the Brooklyn Dodgers but was r7iit 1kotAal 1 '2' I 11 4 il: 1 ON BERRA'S HOMER 7-7 HE vv i A voN-1 --7 1 r--i z1) --7-N 4--- 1 liV Itikb 13P 4 A 1 i 0 togor- 1 i A is 1 0- 4 1 i tip -11 41 17 163 Idill ift I A 1 4 i 4114eP0 It sr -yAllto i 1 ij 0 Niii promptly rebuffed by Brook President Walter O'Malley Originally Rockefeller who is trying desperately to keep the Dodgers in New York had offered $2000000 for the land on the downtown Brooklyn site which O'Malley wants for his team Rockefeller and O'Malley met Yanks Rap Boston 7-4 LUBBOCK Sept 20 Tech long on desire hut lean on what it takes to attain it launches a tough football schedule Saturday The opposition will be a team that whippedthe Red Raiders 3444 last BRAVES West Texas State West Texas has 21 lettermen Continued from Page 8 from the outfit that gave the had hatted in a five-run five-hit Buffs an 8-2 1956 season climaxed attack with victory in the Tangerine After Bob Ilazle doubled and Bowl Del Crandall singled to open the Tech on the other hand in the half-hour seventh lied Schoen transition period between Border dienst bounced to Ernie Bankm and Southwest Conference cham- for an apparent force of Crandall pionship plays has only nine let- at second But Morgan missed termen the base A big rhubarb follow West Texas State again relies ed with Rush menacing Umpire i on the running of Fullback Char- Burkhart and Morgan gettim Icy Sanders all-Border Confer- chased Singles by Johnny Lo ence and Halfback Ron Mills gan Eddie Mathews and Ilan Floyd Dellinger junior college Aaron plus a walk and a hil all-America from Victoria is batsman rounded out the bii Tech's offenlive spark The Red inning Raider attack also is built around the breakaway running of Charley The Cubs used 21 players in Dixon eluding five pitchers in the game which ended in semi-darkness A crowd of 19000 is expected for the Tech debut PIUS 3 DODGERS 2 Probable starting lineups: Pos WEST TEXAS TEXAS TECH BROOKL Sept 20 YN Continued from Page 9 had hatted in a five-run five-hit attack After Bob Ilazle doubled and Del Crandall singled to open the half-hour seventh lied Schoendienst bounced to Ernie Banks for an apparent force of Crandall at second But Morgan missed the base A big rhubarb followed with Rush menacing Umpire Burkhart and Morgan getting chased Singles by Johnny Logan Eddie Mathews and Hank Aaron plus a walk and a hit batsman rounded out the big inning The Cubs used 21 players in eluding five pitchers in the game which ended in semi-darkness PIUS 3 DODGERS 2 BROOKLYN Sept 20 HIGH SCHOOL GRID REPORTS Philadelphia Phil lies shut out on three singles after Chico Fernandez first inning homer scored twice in the ninth and defeated the Brooklyn Dodgers 3-2 Friday night Stan Lopata's sacrifice fly brought home the winning run PHILARELPHIA BROOKLYN ab ab Ashburnct 4 0 4 0 No919 3 0 2 4 FrtiandzAt 4 I 3 4 2 2 0 Botichoe I 4 0 9 0 finiderc1 3 0 2 0 Ander4onlf 4 I 3 2 Hot19091 4 I 11 2 B(wn)InM 0 0 0 0 Virf 4 I 4) RouAkixf-II 4 1 1 0 Reelo 3 4 0 0 3 Hamner 2 4 I 3 5 CompntIll 2 5 3 Kazanski3 4 2 3 1 Zimmer 2 3 2 2 Lioneit 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 'North' 1 0 0 0 Kokilax 0 0 0 0 9minick 0 0 0 0 HaciLerp 2 0 2 1 Voneo I 0 0 0 FIrrPL 0 0 0 2 Loptta 0 0 I A 0 0 0 0 ABILENE IL SWEETWATER 13 CLEBURNE I GARLAND ABILENE Sept 20 --The Abilene CLEBURNE Sept 20 Eaglem racked up their 39th conaecu- burnt played its aecond tie game in as tive vittory with a 34-13 decision over Man) week here Friday night as the a fired up bend of Sweetwater Mos Yellow Jackets played a scoreiess high tangs Friday night before an overflow school football game with the Geriand crowd of 12000 The Eagles broke open Owis Garland dominated pies in the the hard fought game with a pair of first quarter but advanced no farther fourth Quarter toucndowna and closed than the Cleburne 32 to the fourth the door on Sweetwater which trailed quarter Cleburne moved down to the 2013 at the beginning Of the fourth Garland eight yard line in the final period Ha neck Chuck Colvin scored two minutes of play OnlY to see a field four of the five Abilene touchdowns on goal attempt fail Defensive stars for the runs of 46 10 69 and 4 yards with a Jackets were Guard Bobby MenitSCO 26-yard Pace trom Quarterback Gervis and Center David Anderson Halfbacks Galbraith accounting for the other Chock Bei lev and John Overstreet plaYtouchdown Glenn Reed went 33 yarda et good defensively for Garland Each for the first Sweetwater touchdown in tern counted aix lust downa and Cie the first quarter and Quarterback Ardis borne gained 17 Yards rushing while Gaither punched over from the one in Garland nicked up 45 Cleburne plays the third quarter for the other score Brownwood next week in a district game BRECKENRIDGE 20 FALLS 6 wicHITA FALLS Sept 20 DUNCANVILLE 20 AIANSFIELD 6 enridge cent a host of fleet backs pun MANSFIELD Sept 20 iSpli--1-AineilM ing through the Wichita Fails line to- vine acored a 20-0 victory over l'ellkne night to take a 206 victory from the field Friday night In a non-conference Coyotes Friday night The Buckaroos game here Fullback John Aaron set up scored the first time they had the ball the first touchdown by recovering a Halfback Gary Ingram blasted over Mansfield bobble on the Dlyard line from the one to cap a 90-yard drive Quarterback Bobby Daniell went over End Ronnie Payne converted Halfback right tackle front four yarda out John Joe Ed Pesch acored Breckenridge'e Hensley converted twice Daniels scored second touchdown breaking loose for again in the third period on a keeper 18 Yards in the second quarter Payne front two yards out Halfback Jimmy missed the kick Wichita Falls marched Key scored the final tally in the fourth 70 yards in 11 plays for Its only touch period on a handoff from Daniels 15 down early in the second half Jame yards around right end Next week Holder scored on a 10-yard reverse then Mansfield begins district play agtaist missed the extrapoint kick Ineram Azle bulled six Yards through left guard for Blerese kora 1 etfotutcoh dpol awyn hy ALEDA01'ESDe(ltit 24)2i "file Ray Kinlberlin kicked the point hrrstitrm heti trinnetA1 Apt tiA ALEDO 20 BYNUM ALEDO Sept 20 trip!) The Ray brothers had a monopoly the LE Coffey Seeman Lamb Jim Henderson MEMO! Cherie Moore whittenberg Jack Henri Ernk Ed Strickland Kauffman Phu Williams Bedard Pat Hartsfield 13 York Flovd Dellinger Mills Milton Vailann itatiat Jimmy Kook Sanders Gene Bentley Kickal 8 NEW YORK Sept 20 New York Yankees defeated Boston 7-4 with Yogi Berra belting a three-run homer Friday night but Southpaw Whitey Ford need' ed relief help to win his Ilth as the Red Sox junked his three-hit shutout bid in the ninth on home runs by Ted Williams and Jackie Jensen The victory coupled with Chicago's 3-2 defeat at Cleveland hoisted the Yankees into a seven-game lead and reduced their magic number to "2" Any combination of two New York victories and Chicago defeats hands the Yankees' their third consecutive American League pennant Williams pinch-hitting to leadoff the ninth rapped a 2-2 pitch into the third deck in the right field his 35th of the season and his first at Yankee Stadium this year The hit added two points to Williams' baiting average now 379 and gave him a I3-point edge over Yankee Mickey Mantle who was I-for-2 gaining a point for 31)6 BOSTON NEW YORK ab a ab Plersallof 4 1 2 0 Sauer rf 4 2 0 0 Klausa 4 0 0 3 51Dousitts 5 0 2 6 Genertlf 4 1 2 0 Mantiect 2 1 2 0 Malsonel 4 2 1 0 Berrat 3181 Jensenrt 2 1 0 0 6tutpson1 4 1 9 1 0 111 PeitYC 3 0 6 I lalwny 2 11 3 Vealr" 4 2 1 01 1WIl1tams 1 1 0 0 Grim 0 0 0 0 Totals -3-1-2 24 Totals -27 With Mayor Robert Wagner The result of the meeting was Rockefeller's offer and a note of gloom on the part of city officials who had hoped to keep the Dodgers from moving to Los Angeles At one time during a pre-meeting photography session Rockefeller joshingly said to O'Malley: "It was nice knowing you" Later at a press conference Rockefeller was asked if this meant the end of the Dodgers in Brooklyn "I think that is for Mr O'Malley and Mr Patterson (Arthur (Red) Patterson O'Malley's pub lie relations man) to answer" said Rockefeller He then was asked if he were disappointed in the result of the conference "If it means the Dodgers are not going to stay I am disappointed" he replied O'Malley did not even stay for the entire meeting An hour before the meeting broke up O'Maley left He brushed past reporters who asked if he were returning "No I've got a date" he snapped That was all he would say After the meeting Wagner is sued a typewritten statement saying: "Al the conference this afternoon I reported on the meeting I had with my colleagues on the board of estimate After discussion Mr Rockefeller made a new proposal in which he expressed a willingness to pay up to $3000000 for the land Mr O'Malley indicated that any proposal involving $3000000 priced the Dodgers out I shall of course report back to the board of estimate" SUNSET WACO CNIVERSITY 14 CORSICANA 7 CORSICANA Sept 20 Gatlin raced 42 yards in the third period to lead the University High of Waco Trojans to a 14-7 victory over the Corsienna Tigers here Friday night Corsicana scored in the first period when Quarterback Jimmy Gipson went five Yards on a keeper 1)114Y Johnny Smith kicked goal Gatlin scored the first University TD from the two yard line in the second quarter and Bill Rock converted Koch converted after the third quarter TD also Halfback Arthur Fuentes and Guard Jim Tull were also outstanding for the victors Gipson Linebacker Dan Ashworth and Tackle Brantley Humbert were standouts for the Tigers Corsicana of 3A-8 plays host to Hillsboro next week BRECKENRIDGE 20 WICHITA FALLS Sept 20 (Soft The Breckenridge Buckaroos counted in the first second and fourth Periods Friday night to band a 20-6 Pasting to Wichita Falls on the Coyotes' home field Buck Halfback Garr Ingram got the winners first counter on a one-vard dive in the opening (warier Halfback Joe Ed Pesch registered the second tally on an eight-yard burst orj tackle in the second quarter: WicMta Fails intercepted six points In the third period on Wing-back James Holder' 10-vard reverse around end The Bucks closed scoring in the final minutes when Ingram scampered eta yards to I touchdown ENNIS 34 HILLSBORO ENNIS Sept 20 out three touchdowns in the first quarter the Ennis Lions wheeled past Hillsboro's Eagles 34-7 Friday night Weldon Fee-gins opened the scoring with a 32-yard scamper Billy Ramon passed to Feagins for 50 yards and another TD and Renton scored again from 10 yards out Hillsboro struck back when Jerry Owens ran nine yards in the second but Jerry Peebles' 29yarder and Ranton's 18-yard Pass to Sonny Burden put the Lions out of reach in the second half GODLEY 14 TOLAR 14 GODLEY Sept 20 Godley Wildcats scored two touchdowns in the last half to tie the Toler Rattlers who had scored two touchdowns in the first quarter With five minutes gone in the first quarter Halfback Don Deaver ran 51 yards for the Rattlers first counter Kenneth Swain converted Swain then ran 20 yards for Tolar's next score Bub Nanny ran for the extra point In the third period Bill Sherman of Godies scored on a 15-yard pass play from Quarterback Sam Patman Hones Passed to Patman for the conversion In the fourth quarter Bones ran 28 yards for a touchdown and Dean Hones converted to end the scoring STEPHENVILLE 26 BROWNWOOD 7 BROWNWOOD 8 20 Soh Steubenville Halfback Guy Golden ran for three touchdowns here Friday night to lead his team to a 26-7 victor! over the Brownwood Lions Golden ran 79 Yards in the second 21 yards in the third and five yards in the fourth ouarter Stephenville End Tommy UlliSROW added the other score for the visitors by intercepting a pass from Brownwood Quarterback Tommy Butler in the final Quarter and 'mg 60 yards for a score The Lions' touchdown came in the second (loaner with Butler running over from five yards out Guard Bob Teague kicked the extra point John Hancock of Stephenville kicked two extra points out of four attempts HIGHLAND PARK 25 MONTEREY LUBBOCK Sent 20 Highland Park snapped back from an opening game loss to turn under Lubbock Monterey 25-0 Friday night Fullback Johnny Plover scored the first three Scottie touchdowns going 9 88 and 25 yards Johnson's 63-yard run in the fourth Guar-ter produced the other BURLESON 0 KENNEDALE 7 BURLEsoN Sept 20 Kennedale Cats eked out a 7-0 victorY over the Burleson Elks in a hard fought ground game neither learn completing a DILAS The Cat score Mlle in the third quarter when they recovered a fumbled Punt on the Elk 30 The Kennedale crew hit off tackle for four straight playa that brought them to the 4-yard line Right Halfback Don Randall scored on a plunge over the left side of the line Arlie Stanley kicked the extra Point BALLINGER 19 COLORADO cm' COLORADO CITY Sept 20 (Spit The Ballinger Bearcats piled up a MO first half lead then rocked to a 19-6 victory over Colrado City here Friday night Halfback Jerry Candler ran 65 Yards around right end in the first period for the initial score Ronald Everett went three yards for the tiecnod score after a 36-yard drive set UP by Carrot Edwards recovery of a Wolves' fumble With only seconds remanung in the second Quarter Quarterback Ken Wigington passed to Lyle Young for the final touchdown Banciter Cade made the only Colorado City score from the one-yard line to climax a 69-yard drive WEATHERFORD 26 PARIS 13 PARIS Sept 20 visiting Weatherford Kangaroos bounced Paris' Wildcats 26-13 Friday night behind the driving legs of Fullback Bob Eason Eason notched touchdowns in the second Quarter a two-yard slant off tackle and in the fourth 24-yard scamper The Kangaroos' other two markers came in the third frame when Joe Kelley surged a yard to tally and in the float period on a 38-yard sprint by Rains Paris scored in the second quarter on Scott Odorns 26-yard pass to Hugh Armstrong and in the final moments of the contest on Odom's seven-yard toss to I Mitchell Continued from Page 9 the clear by the 30 and was gone The touchdown return seemed to take the life out of Carter as much as the muggy heat Sunset made only three ftrst downs in the last half and Carter had just five Sunset's heavy line kept Car Tot 4:4 34 4 27 13 Tot 4'4 30 4 27 12 An2 6 0 Brooklyn 240 041--2 'pit for lonneq in 2qi 2P7174'i out for Hacitr in MB FRI Fernandez Horites 2 Hamner torria NB Howie 2 Erkkine 2 3 Hearn 1 Hr--- Hacker 0 7 Farrel 0 in 1 Hearn 0 th 1 TrOute 6 in 0 23 Halifax 0 In 1 3 RR --6414ft 2-2 ErOnne 32 (10-2 Loiter a 3 14 Att---6741 er in gin E-Neal FW1- p3-IctirgtzHcwillitils 11lisarcrienetr grl-f re 0 in 1 Hearn 0 Inta4flEcatur'ne i'tnrarr2e) Halifax 0 in 13 ER -Htetter 2-2 Ecekire 3-3 Winner-Parra-11 (10-2 Leiter -Eclairs 493 1-2 14 Att--643 JOSHUA 12 ALVARADO 7 JOSHUA Sept 20 Joshua Owls upset the heavily favored Alvarado Indians Friday night 127 The Owls struck twice in ihe firct half on a 10 Yard dash by Earl Gustafson find a three-yard Plunge by John Hendersrm Alvarado ended the senring in the third quarter as Tackle Shorty Robinson re covered a blocked Mint In the end tone and Jim Swindle converted DENISON 6 LONGVIEW DENISON Sept 20 ISM) Denison's Ye how Jackets and Longview's Lobos played a scoreless tie here Friday night LOTIRViPW WM touned on the one-yard line alter recovering a Dent son fumble on the 13 Denison's deenest penetration was to the 1onaview 27yard line Jerry Nelson was outstanding for the YellowJackets carrying 14 times for 61 yards Denison next meets Paris at Denison next week VERNON IL CHILDRESS CHILDRESS Sept 20 scoring to the first and fourth quarters turned under Childress 13-6 here Fri nay night after a hailstorm deiayed the Part of the came 15 minutes James Holtons 3Iyard pass to End Mac Per mai and Jim Hollingsworth's threeyald smash accounted for the Lions' scores Childress countered on a Iftyard run by Jimmy Lowe In the second Quarter Boston OM 004-4 7 0 Vele York 004 111 0ux-7 9 0 lHtt home run for Wall in 9th Maltone Jensen 2 Berra 3 Bauer 2 Lumpe Mantle Bauer Jensen Berra 5 Ford 2 Brewer 4 Wall 1 Ford 5 in 4 Wall 4 In 4 Ford 7 in 8 2-3 Grim 0 in 1-3 6-6 Wall 11 Ford 41 (11-4) (16-13 26541 on scoring when the Aldo Bearcats beat the Bynum Bulldogs 20-0 FridaY nieht Quarterback Edon Ray opened the scoring In the first Quarter with a 12- Yard end we Brother Roy Ray made a TD in the second quarter on a 6-yard plunge through the middle Eldon finIshed the scoring with a Pass tn Roy Brewster Aledo made 13 first downs to Bynum's 6 liTTOVi ti 13 PORT ARTHUR IL PORT ARTHUR Sept 20 A Bite-town a blistering speed wore down the Port Arthur Yellow Jackets in the second half Friday night and the Ganders moved to a 13-6 victory in one of the states feature Class 4A high achool football games Trailing by 0-6 at bait-time Baytown used two sets of backs and a hard-hitting line to batter Port Arthur's defenses throughout the last two quarters The Ganders rallied behind substtlute Quarterback Jim Kennedy' to gPt both its scores on oneiyard sneaks Toe Ganders' bird Quarter touchdown featured the running or Hatf back Steve AtcWiPlania and Lynn Cray wtth Kennedy going over from the one Midway of the fourth quarter the Ganders marched 29 startle In six with Kenneth again scoring from one Yard Out Gordon Spencer converted and 4 mlnutes and rto seconds remained to play Port Arthur drove 21 yards after a Gander funibie to get Its score In the aecuno sparter Eulbark Gerry lielzrr punched over from the two ODESSA 13 LUBBOCK ODEsSA bent 2i) trip Odessa's Bronctios pushed over ecores In the hf'eond and third quarters to whitewash the visiting Lubbock Westerners 110 After scoreless opening quarter ludo) White Odessa ftsitibark capped I 4yard drive with a stx-yard smash lot a tally The big play In that drive as a 21-yard run by Halfback James Rai-lift White set up the second Odessa score by recovering a fumble on the Lubbock 10 Then halfback Gary Parker ran 11 'yards for Ole score Gerald Erwin Quarterback ran over the extra point Odessa led in first downs 13-10 rOEM SCHOOL i-F-OOTBALL SCORES GLEN ROSE 19 DUBLIN A GLEN ROSE Sept 20 (SuO--The Glen Rose Tigers shut out Dublin Lions 1940 Friday night Right Halfback Eugene Ratliff scored the first touchdown in the first period from two yards Dennis Ramsey converted Fullback Wallace ran CR 4NRURT 13 111TAT1R CRANBURY Sept 20 (Simi ---cranburY scored a 13-0 non-conference football victory over Decatur here Friday night Fullbacks Jerry Vineyard and Ray Reed 0 0 0 3 ti ter penned in its own backyard and the Eagles were seldom I able to use their passing attack I which accounted for the home club's only touchdown Carter managed for 121 yards rushing Quarterback Gray Ntills CARDS 7 REDLEGS 5 knocking the total down by losCINCINNATI Sept 20 -P A ing 36 yards as Sunset's press- two-run homer by Lefty Joe Cun- ing defense bottled him up on ningham in the 10th inning Fri passing tries day night lifted St Louis' Cardi- Sunset managed for 196 yards with Fullback Jay Laughlin nals to a 75 victory over Cincin na' tis Redlegs and kept alive the spearheading the attack in the 1 Cards' slender pennant ambi- first half with 71 yards on 11 tions Outfielder Del Erns also a i including a la-yard i homered for the winners touchdown blast and sr LOZ713 CINCINNATI doing the work in the last halt an 0 a 48 yards on eight trips BlvTIccn2 3 1 0 3 Gramar 2 11D2r1 nbl( Sunset did most of its damage I1 I 13'''o'rtl 31 It! from the single wing after its '4-2' i 'K4-77i 01 0" fi wing-T failed to get the job done 141)ricf 3 0 4 0 tioniiFnlef 5 2 0 Two successive penalties halt- L''''l''' 1 I 2 l'4''''1 1 1 f0 ed a promising Sunset drive et f' lhCrOliO I 4 early in the game and after a i el P-trk 4 11 I Bison kick Carter rolled 83 0 be 1 0 M4r'Ver i4 1 A l' yards on 11 plays for its touch- 1Klit'd'- I 5 (itTTe'lr'mo i 5 5 down with the key play being a tlio IIILirmaall 10 0 i 23-yard run by Hill with a IS- t1I'D I i 00 -4TI ale 41-17- yard per sonal foul penalty being 4 40 12-3 71i nu no thl 1 iii i tacked on cricArtci 04 1 (ko0 0-5 10 That put the ball on Sunset's nIltPierd iii0J1 for pm' In tat i 1' ii tn 9 1( 30 and three plays later Mills iht 1171: t' tie Ma! faked to Hill and faded to his vnti ed crkit ilri) 1 P2osEgir --m-t 94 a a left He pegged perfectly to the 21'a2kil coskr7 4 inrIicacif2r flying Larry Ligon as the end l' Srn" I took the pass on the 7 and went 0 rot 2 Acker e2 IC enrbe 1 HO' 1 on over PA 4 in 1 23 Jecitsor 4 11 S1- 'tr Hill missed the extra point try IKlrridd romz 4 in 2 1-3 Adler 7 Tactimonlfrit IGI'2 3H3El but Sunset was offsides Then e- Mills tried a handoff it was bob- et'rval'id- (n-ineri---YP '1L12-1'-tm'er-4 b-0 bled and that was it Sunset took the ensuing kick- off and pushed 70 yards in eight ON Expected '4 () plays for the tying touchdown I I The big blow to Carter came on I a third down play from the Ea A I MU 0 en er i gles 28 with Sunset needing five yards for a first BErtKFLFY Cal Sent 20 1 Pope faded back for a pass The word' is hen Caii was almost tripped by an on- fornia opens its 1957 football sea rushing Carter lineman stum- son Saturday at Memorial Sta bled along evaded three tack- dium against Southern Methodist lers and got down to the 15 Pete Elliott the Cal coach i From there Laughlin hit off the new So is Bill Meek of SMU weak side for the touchdown The California offense will bl Pope added the extra point split featuring mori That left it up to Necker riinninct thnn in tliP nAct Thi CARDS 7 REDLEGS 5 CINCINNATI Sept 20 f-Jr A two-run homer by Lefty Joe Cunningham in the 10th inning Friday night lifted St Louis Carol- Cards' slender pennant ambitions Outfelder Del Fnns aso homered for the winners Sr LOZIIS CINCINNATI so 0 Blvntrn 2 3 1 0 3 Grams 2 2 1 Afl Dark i 2 2 4 1 omrot 2 3 0 4 2 Kolost1 4 2 10 3 Issor 4 0 0 Srytttn cr 0 0 3 0 4Kwski I 0 0 0 Frail! 4 2 2 0 Kr'n fl 0 fl ktser cf 3 0 4 0 tio0n4nlnt 2 A 0 2Sortit 1 0 0 0 Pokt 3 1 4 A I 0 0 SBtreeNt 0 0 0 rf ci 4 i 2 0 WriwIltf11 rt 1 tImtth 0 7 0 CroIse 1 4 1 4 CLuthm rt I 0 3 3 )(a 2 0 Ras 4 I 4 Nujo) 0 0 0 I 0 24r Jitrioorlto 2 0 0 0 (trots 1)04 1 0 0 0 Acker 2000 Martm 0 0 0 0 2 I 0 0 0 3Ckoor 1100 $1411ett0 1 0 0 0 TotaIs 40 123011 'MICA 40 10 201 st 012 et(001 1(11 1-7 12 CfleirNIC1 0 41 040 oJt for xv)r In '311 25trtrk rhit for Boyrr tn Ath 3Sns'ori for Mtrr ttn tn 02t tor Tsr'or Atn 5Lnect oot tor Post tn lOth FtB1 $1kial 2 Ennts 2 Mckit1kr 2 Huak 7 CirArnnial COCK7 2 2F1 14141k1ritti21P Hoak Gramma Ers Ctnn'ortatr BB NtreI I Jackvn 1 Geros Arkr I SPnrely 1 b0 Jackkon 1 Gross 2 Acker 2 Hence I HO tA 4 at I 23 Jackson In 4 11 Marttn 0 In 2 Grcok 4 111 2 1-3 Acker 7 Kennedy I 1 M1rII 1 In 2 ER 4-1 Jackson 1-1 Gross 33 Krt nrls 2 21mmr SLafett 12-1 Kennedy (0-10 T-2 59 ALI 624 BERKELEY Cal Sept 20 4 The word is "new" hen California opens its 1957 football season Saturday at Memorial Stadium against Southern Methodist Pete Elliott the Cal coach new So is Bill Meek of SMU The California offense will he split featuring more running than in the past The I 1 I 7 I RANGFR 211 3ACKsR011() tl JACKskiWto elept '20 Sr --Ranger rallied for two touchdowns tn the fourth quarter and nosed out victoryiess Jacks norm 28-27 Friday night Dasui What tons elght-Yard end run end Lee )(dig nine-yard keeper turned the tide for the eisittng Bultdoct Jacksboro had gone into a 20-0 lead In the first quarter On touchdowns by loin Masten from eight end 34 yards out and on Mitcneil Patricit 12-yard pass to Charles Strolit Rut Ranger came back with Wharone 28-yard run In the second before Me ten wheeled off a 62-yarder Wharton Scored again from li yards out for Ranger CONFERENCE 4A DISTRICT Phillips 35 EP High DISTRICT 2 Tin an Jacinto Nacogdochea 6 Abilene 34 Sweetwater 13 Odessa 13 'Lubbock 0 Borger 13 Roswell NM 7 Brownfield 21 Plainview 21 (Tie) nisTRIcr 3 Pampas Arlington Heights 6 Amarillo 34 Paschal 7 Highland Park 25 Lubbock Monterey 0 Level land 20 Big Spring 13 Am Palo Duro 13 Midland 2 DISTRICT 4 Grand Prairie 13 North Side 0 Graham 85 Fort Vt orth Tech Grand Prairie 13 North Side Dallas Sunset 14 Carter 6 Gladewater 12 NO 6 DISTRICT 5 Birdville 7 McKinney 7 Erie) Vi oodrow Wilson 26 Dallas 0 DISTRICT Dallas 11111crest 26 Dallas Adamson 0 Oak Cliff IS Dallas Samuell DISTRICT 7 Gainesville 21 Denton 13 Kilgore 26 Sherman 0 LOntiVirW Denison 0 (tie) Breckenridge 20 Wichita Fall" DISTRICT 8 Nederland 6 Tyler Hn San Jacinto 18 Nacadoches Little Rock 54 Texarkana 13 DISTRICT 9 Waco 19 Hn Reagen 6 TPM911! 25 Iln Davis Galena Park 25 Houston MilbY DISTRICT 10 Austin 39 lin Austin DISTRICT Baviown 13 Port Arthur Vidor 7 Beaumont South Park 7 Orange 7 Port Neches 21 DISTRICT 12 Lufkin 0 Freeport 0 tile) Texas City 15 SA Harlandale DISTRICT 13 An McCallum 15 San Marcos 0 Kingsville 21 SA Tech 311 DISTRICT 14 Mercedes 14 Edinburg McAllen lg Aliee 6 DISTRICT 15 A Edison 19 A Brackenridge 17 DISTRICT lg Kingsville 21 SA Tech 111 ORIOLES 1 NATS BALTIMORE Sept 20 A A single and a double both almost outs in a frantic eighth inning produced the only run Friday night as the Baltimore Orioles shaded the Washington Senators I-0 WASHINGTON BALTIMORE ablto a ab a Yost3 3 0 0 2 Oardner2 4 2 0 1 runnels2 4 1 4 1 Bovd1 3 0 8 0 SieversIf 4 2 1 0 Goodman3 3 0 1 1 Courtnye 3 0 6 1 Busbycf 0 0 0 0 Lemonrf 4 1 1 0 Niemanlf 4 2 1 0 Becqueri 3 0 5 1 Mtrandas 0 0 0 0 Thrnbervct 2 0 3 0 Triandose 4 1 7 1 111erberet 0 0 0 0 Pilarcikrf 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Greencf 4 1 5 0 Bridgess 4 0 3 4 Petersnn4 2 1 4 3 ClevengerP 3 2 1 0 Robinson3 0 0 0 1 3Schult 1 0 0 0 Johnsonp 3 0 0 0 O'Dellp 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 6 24 9 Tot als 31 8 27 7 Washington 000 000 000-0 6 0 Baltimore 000 000 Ols-1 8 1 'Fouled off one strike for Throneberry In 91h 2Struck out for Berberet in 9th 3Grounded Out for Clevenger In 9th son Sievers Clevenger Pilareik Clevenger 3 Johnson 3 5 ODell 2 Johnson 5 6 In 8 O'Dell 0 In 1 1 (14-10) Loser Clevenger (7-6) Att-7483 TRIBE 3 WHITE SOX 2 CLEVELAND Sept 20 tR) Cleveland put together three singles a sacrifice and a sacrifice fly in the ninth inning Friday night for two runs that beat the Chicago White Sox 3-2 The loss dropped Chic a go seven full games behind first-place New York who beat Boston 7-4 CHICAGO CLEVELAND a ab boa Espositoa 4 0 1 0 Smithrf 3 1 1 0 Foal 4 1 4 4 Avila2 4 1 2 1 Minosolf 4 1 0 0 Woodhncei 4 1 2 0 Jackaon1 4 1 8 0 Wertal 3 0 8 0 Dropo1 0 0 1 0 HarrelLs 4 0 1 0 -landiset 4 0 4 0 Martscf 4 2 6 0 Philhna3 4 2 0 3 Brownx 4 3 6 0 Beardst 4 0 4 0 Strokland3 3 0 0 1 Batteyc 4 I 4 2 Mosstp 3 1 1 1 Donovanp 3 2 0 0 Tntala 35 8 26 9 Tot RIS 32 9 27 3 Chicago Ol0 000 100-2 8 0 Ceveland MO (002-3 9 2 Harrell RBI Brown Donovan Smith Avila Donovan 2 Donovan 3 4 Donovan 4 33 Most 22 Donovan Avila) Mosi 1119i (16-6) T-231 Att-6279 1 scored six nd one a Yard On runs of respectively Suitt ran tor the and Fullback Lynwood West went 54 first extra point A shower 15 minutes yards for the third quarter tally Dublin before game time caused both tam to led in first downs 139 fumble severel times PlitYing good de fensiyely for Decatur was Wendell Wil CORPUS RAY SAN ANGELO ft hams Cranbury led in first downs CORPUS CHRISTI Sept 20 1P-- 1512 Cranbury Plays at Jacksboro next Halfback Bart Shirley and Fullback Fritz week Mtller scored twice each Fridav night as the Ray Texans shut out San An AZLE 27 SPRINGTOWN 7 gelo 27-0 ReY rated a too class 4A AZLE Sent 20 Azle Tor team struck quickly in the second and nets beat the Springtown Porcupines Fri third quarters and held the Bobcat of- day med 277 In the onetime Quarter tense completely in check Shirley un- Left Halfback Jimmy Christopher romped reeled runs of 30 and 44 yards for the 47 yards hround left end for the Borneo first pair of touchdowns and Miller of to the first score of the lame David 36 and 46 yards for the last two Half- Murphee converted Again in the first back Bobby Oliver kicked three extra Quarter Terrell Williame went 29 vards Points Ray covered 57 It 70 and 74 on a keeper around left end climaxing yards In its marches to the goal A a 40yard drive by Azle Springtown 75-yard touchdown run by Halfback Oar came to life with a Pegs from Quarter ron Dean in the third Quarter was called back Rennith Burekheiter to Don Holden back on a penalty The Ttan line led it halfback which covered five yards by Dick Hulbirt Curtiss Pruett Gary to pay dirt This play climaxed a 45 Muckleroy and James Holley held San yard drive Azle racked up two more Angelo to five first downs and 513 yards scores in the third quarter Terrell Wit rushing Fullback Johnny Tennia ac- hams on the first play from set-Image counted for 43 yards 10 carries for raced 71 yards for the score David the Bobcats Murphee added the extra point The hist trip to the end zone was made by CISCO 32 COMANCHE 13 Jimmy Christopher left halfback for ths CISCO Sept 20 iSpli- Cisco exploded Hornet's after he intercepted a Porcu for five touchdowns in the second and pine pass and ran 40 Yards third Quarters and rolled over the Co a manche Indians 3213 Handel Hess and Robert Bostick scored on one-yard plunges to open the ecoring for Cisco i Hess scored again before the half ended I on a 27yard run after being trapped while passing In the third Delbert 0 is Hold Ohl Schaefer and Benton Porter both scored for Cisco inside the five-yard line The Indians opened their scoring when Half- back Creath Davis returned a punt 0 I Yards In the final Quarter Comanche ions scored again when pass Interference I was called behind the Cisco goal line Halfback Joe McCullouch the man for whorn the pass was intended ran the GREENVILLE Sept 20 (Spl) extra point The Arlington Colts fought off GAINESVILLE 21 DENTON 13 last minute passing attack Fri cAINEsvillE Sept 26 (SDI) The Gainesville Leopards came from behind day night to score a 20-14 victorl with two touchdowns In the final period over Greenville before a crow( of play to defeat the Denton Broncos 21-13 John Mack Thomas went over of 5000 Greenville was operat from the two for the Broncos( in toe first ouarter to cap a 67yard sustained drive ing on the 16-yard line as ttu On the fourth play of the second mar ter the Leooards Billy Nichols darted game -ame ended 50 yards through tackle for a TD and then added the conversion to out Gaines- Bobby Mebus scored the game Ville ahead at the half 76 Denton went winning touchdown midway ii ahead in the third period as Tommy BMiver cut around right end for 25 yards the third period on a 63-yari and the touchdown Gainesville scored twice in the fourth oYarter once a one- jaunt yard plunge by Dick Davenport and first again as a 40-yard return of an inter- In the Greenville score cepted pass bY Charles Boaz before game time caused both trams to fumble several times Plit Ying good de fensively for Decatur vas Wendell Wil Dams Cranbury led in first downs 15-12 Cranbury play St Jacksboro next week AZLE: 27 SPRINDTOWN 7 AZLE Sent 20 Azle Hornets beat the Springtown Porcupines Fri day night 277 In the opening Quarter Lett Halfback Jimmy Christopher romped 47 yards around left end for the Hornets to the first score of the game Dsvtd Murphee converted Again in the first Quarter Terrell Williams went 28 Yards Ott a keeper around left end climaxing a 40yard drive by Azle Springtown came to life with a Pass from Quarterback Kennith Burckheiter to Don Holden it halfback which covered five yards to pay dirt This play climaxed a 45- ykird drive Azle racked up two more scores in the third Quarter Terrell Wilhams on the first play from scrimage raced 71 yards for the score David Murphee added the extra point The last trip to the end zone was made by Jimmy Christopher left halfback for the Hornets after he intercepted a Porcupine pass and ran 40 Yards GREENVILLE Sept 20 (Sol) The Arlington Colts fought off last minute passing attack Friday night to score a 20-14 victory over Greenville before a crowd of 5000 Greenville was operating on the 16-yard line as the game ended Bobby Mebus scored the touchdown midway in the third period on a 63-yard jaunt In the first Greenville scored Amarillo Palo Duro 1 Midland a IstIDLAND Sept 20 tSpli A pass rombtnation of Quarterback Pat Ashburn to Halfback Milton Br Mtn knored twice Friday night for a 132 victors' for Amartito-s Pato Duro over Midtand In the first Peritxt Ashburn passed to Brown on a play that carried h3 yards In the second period the par moved ti-te ball la 7tardh to count and I3fl MR Yell converted alldlanda only store came tn the final period wnen Tackie Gary Sanford tackled Brown In the end tone The Amanda Dons had 12 first and 171 yards rivaling to 11 first downs and 127 yards ruhtung for the Bulldogs DeLEON 26 EiSTLAND DE LEON Sept 20 4p NI Caraway ran OTIP yard for a touchdown Passed 63 yards to sloP Brownlee for on-other and added one extra point for DeLeon as the Beareats downed Eastland 20-6 David Whnehurst opened the scoring for DeLeon with a lour yard plunge In the first period Eastland's Only marker carve in the worth quarter when Clint Humphrey passed 15 yards to Stanley Reed a game-winning on Don Finch's 46-yard run James Mills passed to Jerry Bane 69 yards for the first Colt score James Basinger plunged over from the one early in the second for Greenville and Mills passed 44 yards to End Grady Hendricks to tie the score at halftime TERRELL 13 WAXAHACHIE WAXAHACHIE Sept 21) In a light rain the Terrell Tigers beat the Waxahachie Indians 11-8 here Friday night Left End Eddie Corns made both score for the Tigers The first Citi liE on an end round play that went 68 yards and the second IL) came when he snagged a 15-yaro pass In the end Cone The Waxahachie touchdown came after Hobby Browni ng wingetark made a 6-yard punt return to the four and Tailback Meagan Howell plunged over for the score Terrell made 12 lirt downs to 9 for Waxahachie is Texans from Dallas also operate from the split A crowd of 40000 is anticipated for the intersectional game Running the California offense will be junior Joe Kapp a 6-foot2 quarterback who many observers feel is a natural for the split Ts rollouts and quick openers His starting unit consists of five seniors five juniors and one sophomore Center Bob Chiappone SMU has a speedster in Charlie Jackson a 167-pound senior from Paris Texas Two sophomores Henry Christopher jot from Paris Texas Two sophomores Henry Christopher Pampa Topples Jackets by 7-6 114NILINI 27 MERKEL 7 MERKEL Sept 20 iSult--The Hamlin Pied Pipers played the tune to defeat the Merkel Badgers 277 in a ganie highlighted by Halfback Virgil Winn 70-yard run to end the scoring Wiison also scored in the third quarter on a 20-yard run over right tackle Merkel Quarterback Manley Denton hit right tackle for 3 yards and the Badgers' only ecore Brewer Crushes Bullfrogs 45-0 AM AT A GLANCE ARL HE1GH7s PAMPA 7 Hrt flown 14 1 Tartly Gained Royhing 218 0 Yards Ggiord Paying 29 1 of 5 COMDiPtd 9 of 9 Noses Intercepted by 1 2 Ono FumhIi Reeovered 5 for 41 5 for 20 5 Punt No Avg for 41 7 for 70 Penalties No Ydge 8 tor 70 PAMPA Sept 20 the margin of 'Halfback Don CONFERENCE 2A A Jesuit 24 Lefler! 7 Hutto 26 Sharp 18 Hempstead 19 Wailer Evendale 27 Little Cypress Cherokee 40 Fredericksburg 13 Rivera 12 Banquette Carew' Christi Solomon Celea 24 Brownsville St Joseph's 0 Aspermont 14 Roby 6 Hamlin 27 Merkel 7 Blanket 46 Hire Joshua 12 Alvarado 7 George West 21 Sundeen Jourdenton 8 Nixon Aledo 20 Bynum Chester 20 Diboll 6 Hemphill 26 Newton 7 Woodville 27 Groveton 7 Corrigan 14 Colmesnell 6 Hubbard 32 Wortham 0 LaFeria 18 Port Isabel Rule 20 Clvde SA Alamo Hts 13 SA Central Cant 12 Hearne Franklin 0 Aransas Fagg 26 Karnes City 13 Eagle Pass 13 Alpine Westoso 21 Rockport 6 Pettus 7 Runge 6 San Saba 20 Llano DeLeon 20 Eastland 6 Van Alstyne 14 Pilot Point Rotan 34 Haskell Commerce 13 Quitman 0 an 38 Canton 6 Wilmer-Hutchins 13 Lancaster 0 Palestine 26 Marshall Ferrig 41 Frost 6 Nlidlothian 27 Cedar Hill 111 Conroe 20 Livingston Crosby 7 Channelview 0 Clevelana 1 Kirbyville Spring Branch 67 Kirwin 0 lialletaville 12 (ollad I2 tile) Luling 40 Round Rock 6 LaPorte 14 Tomball 7 Granger 19 Smithville 6 Montgomera 26 Tarkington 0 20 Fast Bernard 20 (Tie) Somerville 40 Burton 0 Industrial 13 St Joseph's Taylor 33 Lockhart 1 Columbus 13 Sealea 7 Shiner 58 St Joseph's (11m) Hondo 32 litenede 6 Rockdale 13 2 Willis 33 Shenerd 6 1 $an Jacinto 18 Nacogdoches 8 Archer CBI 33 Newcastle Itenriette 82 Bowie 20 Olney 31 HollidaY 13 Valley View 38 Iowa Park 13 Bonham 40 Norona 6 14ellington 21 Memphis Knox City 13 Hermleigh 13 Azle 27 Springlown 7 Irian 6 Sonora 6 MI 20 SA Southeast 19 40 Round Rock 6 Lytle 41 Castroville Nordheim 18 Pawnee Hamilton 33 Galesville Fallurries 7 Taft Ingleside 20 Mathis ft (lidding 87 Schulenburg 6 Freer 15 Cotulla 0 Marble Falls 19 Bianco Gonzales 27 Seguin 0 Granser 19 Smithville SchertsClholo 13 Buda 6 Kountze 47 Little CYpress 7 Hull Daleetta rt Sour Lake 'Angleton 14 West Columbia IS Madisonville 38 Crockett Pine Tree 32 San Augustine Deyton 13 Dickinson 7 Splendora IR New Caney 3 Ganado 0 Palacios Santa Fe 19 Mt Carmel Centerville 43 Madiaonville 13 Coleman 40 feints Plains 6 Electra SO Paducah 6 Ranger 28 acksborn 27 McCemey 33 Rig Lithe 7 GranhurY 13 Decatur Duncanville 20 Nlanefield Copperas Cove 13 Event Rennedale 7 Burleson 6 Fort Stockton 20 llyone Godley 14 Toler 14 Clinvon 20 Perryton 7 Marlin 31 McGregor 6 Brady 40 intent 7 Stamford 26 Melon ISCO 32 Comanche 13 Mabank 19 Blooming Grove 7 Rochester 7 Lockett 7 Morton 20 Muleshoe 14 Masonic Home 19 Ere Spur Anson 0 Clarendon 14 Shamrock 7 Glen Rohe 19 Dublin Matador 39 Petersburg 4 Sudan 39 Anton 7 lazbuddie 52 New Rome I Kress 12 Sliverton 12 Calvert It Lexington 7 Centerville 43 Mono 13 Thorndale 33 Bartlett Academy 20 Florence 6 Riese! 47 Galesville Stale School Cooledge 39 linage 6 lin John's 19 Friendswood Weimar 27 Eagle Lake 13 Magnolia 20 Katy Hull Halsella 27 Sour Leke 6 Sugar Land 26 flatmate' City Danbury 19 Creacent 13 Flalonla 7 Sheridan 6 Gliding 51 Schulenhurg LaGrante 41 Cold ell 7 Lamar Conaolidaled 6 Boling an leek 19 Wallis 13 Chalon Al Jackennville It Ballinger 19 Colorado City Fort Stockton 20 Oxona 0 Goldthwalle 26 Burnet Rankin DI Sandersin 0 Del Rio an Felipe 20 Brarketiville 7 Santa Anna IL Robert Leo 7 Manton 33 Grandlalls 7 Lomela 31 May 19 Denver Citv 25 Post 13 O'Donnell 13 Taillike A Feenship 14 Wilson 13 Plains 32 Cooper 7 Throrkmorton 33 Chillicothe 0 Jim Ned 13 Bronte Baird 27 Binge Woodeon 20 Moran 6 Novice 21 Ittlrictursil 24 Wylie IS Forney 0 Mart 26 Bremond 7 Dallaa Si lark" 46 'Bosnia 2 Jefferson 19 Hughes Springs 18 Scrnerville 40 Burton 0 Wills Point 21 Rockwell Pewilt 26 Dainsterfleld 0 SIXMAN Union 31 Spade 6 Cotton Center 6 Stli3OT 7 letiliY 46 Comatock Divide 27 Mertion gilittion City 34 Inver's! 12 Miloo Water Valley IL Forsan 41 Pyrite 0 Moselle feria 32 Faint Rfirk 41 Abilene gt Joseph 11 Mullin 113 Talpe 22 Vera 79 Roaring 6prinu 13 MINERAL ELLS 19 IRVING IL IRVINO Sept 20 (Sol) Fuliback Crockett Grimes led the Mineral Wells Mountaineers of District 3A-7 to a 19-6 triumph over the Irving Tigers of 4A-7 here Friday night Grimes scored from one yard out In each of the it three and gained 169 Yards in 30 carries Jack Ingle converted after the first touchdown Irving scored first on a one-yard plunge by Fullback Bruce Usrey In the initial period Gary Couch was outetanding for Irving on defense Mineral 'Wells led In first down count 17 to 11 Irving plays host to Carrollton next week and Mineral Walla faces Steph enville BLANKET 44 HICO 111C0 Sept 20 Halfback Fred Edgar scored four touchdowns as Blanket smashed Hien 46-0 Friday night He wheeled 13 70 10 and 28 yards for his touchdowns GRYle Teague scored twice from 1 end 69 yards out and Milton Bundlck scored from two yards out Bruins Breeze Past All Academy 47-0 CONFERENCE 3A nisTnicr I Dimmit 21 Hereford 6 Littlefield 54 Olton tOnder 33 Dumas It DISTR ICT 2 Kermit 47 Seminole Artesia 21 Odessa Ector 0 DIS TRICT 3 Ballinger 19 Colorado City I DISTRICT 4 'Vernon 13 Childress 6 Stephenville 26 Brownwood 7 eat he or 2 Paris 13 DISTRICT 5 Mineral Wells 19 Irving ti Brewer 4 Lake Worth Diamond Hill 12 IVest 0 Garland 0 Cleburne Mel Handley 19 Sulphur Springs 1 I DISTRICT 9 Belton 13 LaVega Killeen 55 Lampasas Brenham 21 COMPIOn 12 DISTRICT 10 Iln St Thomas 6 Smiler 0 Huntsville 40 Navasota DISTRICT Wharton 26 Alvin 6 DISTRICT 12 Edna 12 Bev CRY 6 El Campo 13 Deer Park 7 DISTRICT 1 Gaston 21 Jacksonville 12 Athens 20 Henderson DISTRIcT 8 Ennis 34 Hillsboro Terrell 13 Waxahachie DISTRICT 10 Conroe 20 Livingston 0 DIS1 RICT 13 SA Burbank 0 Kerrville CVO South SA 19 SA Northeast 19 tTie) SA SIMI Houston II SA Edgewood DIST It ICT 15 Rololown 20 Simon Beeville 40 ReIngio 7 Cuero 211 Yoakum 6 Fort Lavaca 33 Carroll 0 Robstown 20 Sinton 0 Beeville 40 Refugia 7 Cuero 28 roaktim 6 DISTRICT 18 Edcouch 34 Mission 27 Pharr 12 Donna 12 (lle) Welasco I Raymondville I HASKELL 114 ROTAN1 HOTAN Sent 20 (Sn1) Eugene KO lins and iiMMY Brock scored two touch downs each Friday night to lead Has kell's Indians to a 34-0 victory over Itotan Mullins ran 10 and 15 yards for hs touchdowns and Brock went 4 and 40 Yards Ernest Kimbrough got the other score a 51varder STAMFORD 20 SLATON 0 STAMFORD Sept 20 1 Rebind the brilliant PlaYmg of End Est cobedo and Center Hall Triplett the Stamford 1311110R3 romped to a 26-0 VIC tory over Slaton Friday night Both scores in the first hall of the game were from the onetyard line Tailback Charlie Helmer went over for the first score ending 30 yard drive by the Bulldogs Fred Upshaw quarterback ended a erond quarter drive of 45 yards as he pjonired over center into pay dirt In the third quarter Stamford Tackle Wendell Robinson blocked a Slaton punt on the two-yard line and Escobedo fell on the pigskin in the end zone making the score 20-0 For the last score Fred Upshaw threw a pass to Wingbaiik Larry Denson covering 10 Yards BASEBALL CALENDAR Brewer's Bears marched 50 'aids for their first touchdown after only five minutes of play and went on to crush Lake Worth 45-0 Friday night Ralph Wood was the game's outstanding player passing for three touchdowns carrying one across on a keeper and kicking two extra points Wood started the scoring by plunging over from the one after a seven-play 4-yard march Also in the first quarter Young sneaked across from the three In the second quarter Charie Clark went through center for ten yards and a touchdown Wood passed to Clark for the next TD and Wood kicked the extra point to make the halftime score 26-0 Tony Coffey took a 40-yard pass for the lone tally in the third period Wood passes accounted for all of the scoring in the fourth quarter Ile passel ten yards to Col-fey for a touchdown around right end and tossed 32 yards to Clark in the left flat for the final counter LOS ANGELES Sept 20 T-- The UCLA Bruins blasted an out classed Air Force Academy team 47-0 Friday night In the first meeting of the teams before 33293 fans The Falcons just didn't have it although the teams supposedly were on even terms The Academy is only three years old and thus has no seniors The Bruins have no seniors eligible to play because of Pacific Coast Conference penalties The Air Force was a last minute substitution for Florida after the Gators cancelled out because of a flu epidemic Air Force fl 0 UCLA 7 IR 14 7-47 UCLA scoring: Touchdowns Geri A man I pass from Wilson) RI ilingion (i plunge) Ws lien (24 pass from Kendall): Long 2 (I run 5 run): Kendali runl Wilson ifi runt Duncan 3 Gertsman Wilson a Bigham's touchdown and extra point in the second quarter the Pampa Harvesters nosed out left end and Jerry Sharrock at Fort Worth Arlington Heights i center are listed in the starting 7-6 here Friday night lineup The starting floe has only The loss was Heights' second two seniors Jerry Cornelison straight in non-conference war- left tackle and Bobby Beckett at fare this season left guard One minute before 'halftime Bigham climaxed a 60-yard drive by --e by smashing four yards over right guard for the touchdown He ran over the same hole for Ow 1 the game-winning extra point I 111 OU 4110 The Yellow Jackets had scored first in the second quarter when filad Ts Of 111P10 Halfback Jim Sprinkle returned 6 a Pampa punt 55 yards for a j- liovociA(" touchdown A high snapback on 4 4' VITAitti the point attempt marred Heights' t' Olt Ig i MILK I later chances of salvaging a tie Buddy Robinett of Arlington Sure 14 Sv 4" 1 Heights was the game's leading 1-oe' ground gainer with 70 yards in Gito lit tt 20 carries Next came Bigham I 1 with 67 in 13 trips iyouNe '0 7---L4- wdso mo nlior AWN Outgrew It dip 1 rd 1 our vimtvabArs A 'Negir Illiral! 14 1 difig 1ILK 1 I sure iiis0d)f 61 00a ll i 1 i NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee 89 57 610 St Louis 85 61 582 Brooklyn 81 67 547 Cincinnati 76 70 521 Philadelphia 73 75 493 New York 68 80 459 Chicago 58 R8 397 Pittsburgh 58 911 392 SH2 547 521 493 439 197 392 4 9 13 17 22 31 32 TITLE FIGHT 4 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 94 53 639 Chicago AO 59 593 Boston 77 tii9 527 Detroit 75 70 5 7 Baltimore 71 74 490 Cleveland 1 74 490 Kansa' City 53 90 371 Washington 54 92 370 22 22 39v2 WOO if L-JL FRIDAY'S RESULTS TEXAS LEAGUE Plavoffs Dallas 10 Houston II Holiqon leads best-of-seven final plavaff 3-0) AMERICAN LEAG1 Chicago 2 Cleveland 3 Boston 4 New York 7 Washington Baltimore I Detroit at Kansas City rain NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee Chicago 3 Rt Lows 7 Cincinnati Philadelphia 3 Eironklyn 2 Nrw York at Pittsburgh purl TFun AMERICAN Denver 6 St Pala 7 (Denver leads best nf seven finals series 3-2 INTERNATIONAL LLAGUR Playoffs tillami 3 Buffalo 2 t8 innings) (But foil() lead besLor4even series 2-I) SOUTHERN Nashville 1 Atlanta 4 (Atlanta leads final series 1-0) viasbA-1) 1 --4 CONFERENCE 2A A 13 Italy 0 Grandviw Hubbard 32 18 ortham 6 flq st ('it 41 Farmersville 6 Traitor 13 Fairfield 0 flowlion 13 Gales ille Midi ay 21 Volley Mills 0 Connally 10 it am Catholic 6 naw son 20 Serena 13 ea Wills Can 7 Abbott 0 Alhan 4 Slundav hileshorn 33 Saint Jo Talor 33 Lockhart 1 tiasca II hitnev 13 Seymour 40 Iturithurnell Fennell est Orpos 19 Iowa 1a 41 Oranrefield 6 3tont6omerg 20 Tarkington rine Tree 32 San Augustine Menard 13 Boerne 13 roteet Carriso Springs 13 NI twin 6 Junction 2 Letaange 41 Caldwell 7 BilitrOD AL no vane 0 anderbill 11 Viet St Joseph I Colombo 13 Sealev Shiner SR Yoakum St Joseph 0 Hondo 32 Retied 6 kriale 13 AA Cons 3 141111a 33 Shoperd 6 Vast Chambers 19 4 Okla 21 I ollett 13 Whine 12 Vega 6 Sunray Pi Spearman tr Turkel 20 Node 1 7shoe 14 Boise file Okla 6 Panhandle 13 Mclean 13 Gemini 91 Gruver 19 htie Opel 20 Lefne or Lockrev 39 1 ulia Amarillo Frier College 20 Bove T111-1(11 Dalhort 39 Amarillo Stratford 32 eshoma 13 Sundown 21 Ahernathg 19 Hart 41 Lakeview Stinnett 12 1Vheeler AmhorPt 14 Vi hltnarral IA Oareouselt 97 Reeser Okla 6 31 orlon 20 Muleshoe 14 Purloin rt loa A Corriagn 14 Colmeknell I Continued from Page 9 the bell for the seventh looking amazingly fresh and certainly full of light Ile started a flurry of blows to Arehles head sA hich Archie for the most part took on his elbows arms and the top side of his head' Suddenly Archie drove a hard left hook deep into Tony's belly That may have been the blow that brought on the eventual end Tony got in a couple of more flurries but then OP Arch went hack to work in earnest and Tony again went into a reeling unsteady retreat A smashing left and a right spilled Tony down for the last time Anthony won two rounds the second and third on the cards of the referee and one judge The other judge gave him hut one The Associated Press gave him one round the second an even 10-10 in the third round under California's scoring sys tern of 10 points per round to a winner or 10 to both if even something missing? Terrell in 12-12 Tie With Scott of Tyler TYLER Sept 20 (SpH 1 Terrell played to a 12-12 deadlock with Emmett Scott of Tyler here Friday night Terrell's first touchdown came in the first quarter on Walter McDows' four-yard sneak The attempted conversion was no good The Panthers scored again in the second quarter on a pass play front McDows to end Tharon Jones Scott scored twice on passes from Bill Biggs to Homer Reagan and Harvard Jefferies The Panthers will meet WashIngton of Houston at Farrington Field at 8 tn Sept Texas Jennings Sts ts Women's Golf Results IIITAllnItir VGA rhimpinrshlp Fght Mrs srth hPr thst Tit 1111 yr rims Putt tor Os Arthur Ech lund cosoIAL rt Vk'flrPr trst rot Mrs PPsOn ssroni rd Mrs I nns INTO rr Yffris Fl-st Mr! Jcv Pt first tiff Mrs Norrnan Hon xibroryl no! nHole Msro(1 Fri 1 Mr Trtry DA Al hIrc I Larne nv1 r11 PIttri- Mr Nif mei" Mo (Por Potho Mr Edward honk net Mrs Chct sod Mr Wok or 1o I pulls 71o TrarisMiss Prlbe vaA ssno Mrs litPt! John Mrs litrng lArt nfilighArlr rot Mr A 1A1 Xing rums Ths Womss's Westrrn bras "via von by Mrs MsYs For that extra truck you need call Earl Hayes truck rental All types and sizes for all loads ready to go at all times! Move yourself move a mountain rent a truck by the day lease for a year :1110 11NOdF yom rip" CD 64000 a las 11 SATURDAY'S SCTIEDULE NATMNAL LI? AGUF st (17-8) V14 Ptitirrs (12 F1 NW)! Yot Pillsblirgh (2)--Go me? (1412) and BArch) (88) (80) and Kilns 18-18) Milwalikes fit Buhl 178) vs ticabowAs (11) I 4 I Lows at (incinnall--Jonea (128) vs Nuxhall (I0-10) AMERICAN at Kn gmA City 01-16) vm Oar) vsc (5-13) Chicago at 11 14 Wynn (1447) Wafthingtan FiAltimnro (0-0) Boston at Ns Nixon (11-12) vs fiturdivant (14-6) 4L Of 'CO 0" tl ki4 OOOOO A 41t1 ft ir 311 14 I i 0 immegonoroolowwit00ntemoray tinFrwspenewspwinwoorantion AlrattLillailitALUIFSLCIR IgallraV91'323WrOgrigrair' w410tmolatritratV 321IN 1.
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